Get all the features and support you need

Document scanning, data extraction and image hosting services at scale.

exeed software solutions for business automation services serving all business needs in new zealand and australia e archive 1

Exedee eArchiver

We take the effort out of managing digitalisation projects, with our document scanning, data extraction and image hosting services.

Get all the features and support you need, with our expert software delivering a solution that is 100% tailored to your business.

We’ll ensure our dedicated team of experts are working in your best interests to get the very best digitalisation eSolutions for you.

Key features:

  • Eliminates duplicate tasks in handling and processing
  • Extracts metadata and exports it across a variety of internal systems
  • Easily handles exceptions and manages missing information
  • Ensures you fully automate business rules and workflows

Key problems solved

  • Efficiently digitalises tens of thousands of documents in a short time
  • Effective governance demonstrated through complete and accurate metadata
  • Ensures you stay in control of information with a single source of truth for each document and a reliable search index
  • Enables increase in document transparency, accessibility and data quality
exeed software solutions for business automation services serving all business needs in new zealand and australia e archive 2

Looking for other eSolutions?

Our exedee service suite has been designed to allow easy and effortless business automation, based on our years of experience with both local and central government, and all types of businesses. Our software eSolutions are configured to fit your business requirements exactly.

exedee e comm

We offer a range of automated mail processing services, including oMail, our highly efficient inbound email automation and management system.

exedee e connect

eConnect is our data bridge service between computer systems, allowing one computer system to talk to another.

exedee e finance

A sophisticated, end-to-end accounts payable processing solution – with scanning, data extraction, purchase order matching and workflow approval all in one.

exedee e government

Our eGovernment service encompasses all of our existing services for local, central and state Government organisations.

Exedee Case Studies

You'll be in excellent company!